Saturday, November 2, 2019

Identifying a Researchable Problem Research Paper

Identifying a Researchable Problem - Research Paper Example During physical activity, the body uses more oxygen than when one is passive. Regular physical activity will therefore lead the body to adapt to providing more and more oxygen into the blood stream. Reports by various scholars point out to the fact that children with reduced mobility have been diagnosed with asthma more than their highly mobile counterparts (Daniels, 2006). This revelation, combined with the fact that sometimes asthma is also common among obese children point out to the possibility that asthma may indeed be controlled through physical activity. This is because physical activity eventually makes the body to adapt to the increased intake of oxygen by developing mechanism which allows increased oxidation of blood. Such mechanism is postulated to be capable of limiting chances of alveoli constriction ad therefore greatly reduce the chances of asthma. Amongst the adolescents, increased physical activity may be seen as one possible way through which asthma may be contained . Statement of General Aims and Objectives The aim of the proposed study is to find out the connection between the role of physical activity and human health. From the fact that the human body usually adapts to conditions around it, this study shall aim at finding out the extent to which teenagers adaption to physical activity may reduce the chances of asthmatic attack for those who are already asthmatic. The paper shall focus on the role of physical activity in treating asthmatic ad related conditions in adolescents. The study shall also focus on what short term benefits physical activity may offer to asthmatic adolescents. The study shall assume that learned physical activity will go a long way to assist adolescents develop healthy lifestyles in their adult lives. Research Questions: Using PICO Model The study shall be conducted based on the guidance from the following research questions: 1. To what extent can asthmatic conditions be attributed to lifestyle? 2. Are adolescents who are less active physically likely to have health complications than their active counterparts? 3. What is the connection between patient diagnosed with asthma and physical mobility? 4. Can increased physical activity reduce the chances of asthmatic attack? 5. Do asthmatic adolescent who are engaged in physical activity show more progress towards recovery from asthmatic attacks? From the research questions, the study shall be conducted under the following hypotheses 1. Asthmatic condition in adolescents are majorly attributed to lifestyles 2. Adolescents who are less active physically are likely to have health complications than their active counterparts 3. Many patients diagnosed with asthma are usually physically inactive 4. Improved physical activity reduces the chances of frequent asthmatic attacks 5. Asthmatic adolescent who are engaged in physical activity are more likely to show more progress towards recovery from asthmatic attacks than those who are passive? Methods The stud y shall aim at working with adolescents. There shall be a need to seek approval from the school and parents from the sample that shall volunteer for the study. Much focus will be based on those adolescents who are already asthmatic. This will especially be so in order that a comparison shall be made possible. For reliability, rather than numbers, the study shall focus on different schools. It is anticipated that the target sample

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