Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Cancer A Disease That Caused By Uncontrolled Division Of...

Lung Cancer Melissa Flores St. Pius X St. Matthias Academy General Biology, Period 4 Ms. Washington Cancer General Information Cancer is a disease that is caused by uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in the part of our human bodies (American Heart Society [AHS], 2015). There are more than 100 diseases that have to do with cancer. In the world today, hundreds of people are diagnosed with cancer . Cancers that are untreated can cause serious illnesses and deaths. Cells in the part of the body start to grow out of control and it is known as cancer. Cancer cell growth is completely different from normal cell growth (American Heart Society [AHS], 2015). People also get affected by cancer because it is passed on by the DNA of their parents. DNA is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organism (Genetics Home Reference [GHR], 2015). Wherever cancer is spread there is always a name from where exactly is started (American Heart Society [AHS], 2015). Lung Cancer Background Information When a cancer begins in the lungs or people who smoke are affected it is known as Lung cancer. For Lung cancer there are two major types. First, there is non- cell lung cancer and then there is small cell lung cancer. Non-small cell lung cancer is when cancer cells start to form in the tissues of the lung. For small cell lung cancer is begins directly on the center of the chest. It starts to grow fast and spreads quickly. It always spreads to close part of theShow MoreRelatedThe Disease Of Cancer And Cancer975 Words   |  4 PagesCancer is the name given to a collection of many diseases. Cancer is uncontrolled cell division due to genetic changes that interfere the cell cycle and activate cell division. The cancer start in any part of the human body, such as in blood, lung, and colon. Cancers are different in the ways they spread and grow. Cancers types have its own characteristics. The general characteristics of Cancers are they work in the absence of growth factors, make their ow n growth factors, don’t respond to the signalRead MoreCancer And The Second Point1432 Words   |  6 PagesSince the beginning of time cancer has had a major impact on the world, from your love ones or your self slowly dying from it. What is Cancer, where did it come from, how did we as humans get it? Who does it affect? Are there different types of cancer? Can I get cancer? These are just some questions that can go through a persons mind just thinking about cancer or seeing it in the media. The Definition of cancer is a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body. InRead MoreEssay Cancer1081 Words   |  5 PagesCancer Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. If the spread of these abnormal cells is not controlled, cancer can cause death. Most cancers take the form of tumors, although not all tumors are cancers. A tumor is simply a mass of new tissue that serves no physiological purpose. It can be benign, like a wart, or malignant, like cancer. Benign tumors are made up of cells similar to the surrounding normal cells and are enclosed in aRead MoreTaking a Look at Cancer1508 Words   |  6 PagesCANCER Cancer is the transformation of normal cells into malignant (harmful) cells. This transformation is the consequence of a genetic mutation of the DNA in normal cells due to an overexposure to carcinogens, chemicals, radiation, trauma, viral infections or chronic inflammations. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, â€Å"in 2013 over 500 Canadians were to be diagnosed with cancer everyday, and over 200 Canadians were to die from it everyday† (http://www.cancer.ca/en/cancer-information/cancer-101/cancer-statistics-at-a-glance/Read MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1372 Words   |  6 PagesBreast Cancer Disease Overview Breast cancer is a disease in which certain cells in the breast become abnormal and multiply uncontrollably to form a tumor. Breast cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. (Only skin cancer is more common.) About one in eight women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer in her lifetime. Researchers estimate that more than 230,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in U.S. women in 2015. Cancers occur when aRead MoreAlternative Treatment Of Cancer Essay977 Words   |  4 PagesAlternative treatment of cancer Cancer is an abnormality in the body that results from uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. These unchecked growth results from the body’s’ control mechanisms’ inability to function normally. As a result of this abnormality, the old cells of the body do not die yet they are supposed to die. Therefore, the cells grow out uncontrollably forming a mass of tissue called tumor (Dollinger, 72). However, it’s not all forms of cancer that form tumors in the bodyRead MoreThe Science And Nature Of The Disease1257 Words   |  6 PagesCancer is defined as a disease caused by uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body. These cells can form a tumour that is either malignant (cancerous) or benign (non-cancerous) (Pierce et al 1971). The focus of this paper will be childhood cancer, in particular Neuroblastoma, which will be examined with reference to three main areas: the science and nature of the disease, the social context with relat ion to funding, and finally the contribution of Australian scientists into childhoodRead MoreCauses And Effects Of Cancer1048 Words   |  5 PagesCancer is a name given to collection of various diseases that are caused by a similar mechanism: uncontrolled division of cells that results in formation of abnormal cells that grow without stopping - tumors. Cancer is caused by changes in genes of the cells that control the way they function. Those changes can be caused by various environmental factors, such as excess ultraviolet exposure from the sun, chemicals in tobacco smoke, radiation from radioactive elements and many other factors. The onlyRead MoreThe Is The Uncontrolled Growth Of Blood Cancer New Zealand1609 Words   |  7 PagesLeukaemia is the uncontrolled growth of blood cells which occurs in the bone marrow (National Cancer Institute, 2013). Every day six New Zealanders are diagnosed with some form of blood cancer (Leukaemia and blood cancer New Zealand, 2015). It is belie ved that more than 10,000 people in New Zealand are affected by blood cancers such as, leukaemia, lymphoma or myeloma or related blood diseases (Leukaemia and blood cancer New Zealand, 2015).Leukaemia is believed to be ten times more common in adultsRead MoreEssay Finding a Cure: Stem Cell Research1321 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Cancer is a disease that will come after you, your family, your work, and every facet of your life.† It is the second leading cause of deaths in the United States, and is directly associated to obesity. In fact, one out of every three woman, and half of men, will develop cancer in their lifetimes. Cancer attacks health, attitude, and confidence with array of chemicals, tests, treatments, and paperwork. In many cases it will come back, even stronger and terrifying. Since cancer is such an immense

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Analysis Of The Poem Cadeon Woede Essay - 900 Words

Cadeon Woede came upon the headless bodies of his foster father and brothers first, the three slain in a desperate defense of their home. Their remains littered the ground near a demolished section of the barricades around their farmstead. Cadeon recognized the merciless slaughter as the work of revenants, corpse creatures dispatched by Omort the Deathless, their kingdom s most dreaded enemy. He shuddered in stunned disbelief, his mind refusing to accept this... The girls - Like a shot, he charged up a hillock to the smoldering shell of the family s house. His foster sisters might have escaped into the forest. Heart thundering, he searched the ruins, praying to find nothing within. Sweat rolled down his face and into his eyes, mingling with the swirling ash and soot. In the area where the hearth used to be, he found what was left of his younger foster sisters. They d been burned, and while they were still alive. Their muscles had contracted in the heat, their little bodies curling up on the floor. He lurched outside, retching until his throat was raw. No one had survived. Running his forearm over his face, he staggered to an old oak, sinking down against it. In the space of a day, everything he d loved in the world was dead. The threat of Omort had hovered idly over the land for decades, yet the dark sorcerer had chosen this time to attack. Cadeon feared he knew why. Mine own fault. He buried his head in his hands. All of this is my doing. To most who knew him,

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Killer applications in Government offices Discussion Free Essays

Over the last five years almost everybody has fallen victim of technology proliferation in government offices. It is common to find PCs, voice mail applications, answering machines, fax machines, and other related hardware on many desks. Technology is indeed reversing the way people do things. We will write a custom essay sample on Killer applications in Government offices: Discussion or any similar topic only for you Order Now Whether the reversed and dynamic way is increasing individual productivity is a mystery that is often unnoticeable. Advent of enhanced technology in non-white collar jobs has truly led to high productivity. However, this is not true for white collar jobs. Basically, it appears that technology has not brought same goodies in office setting as it has in other fields. This may be partly due to absence of adequate measurement. It is not easy to ascertain productivity in non manufacturing jobs. On the other hand, it is the case that human beings are not good at realizing potential embedded in technology. In itself, technology is not capable of producing enhanced services. If one is working in an office that has increased its access to computers and computer applications, it is vital that one understand why increased productivity does not follow automatically. A necessary and or desirable computer program that when applied increases productivity or sales of an already existing computer application can be referred as a killer application. Currently many governments have set up telecentres by embracing information and communication Technology (ICT) throughout the country. This is part of technology based e-center application to monitor service delivery in government offices. It provides public with affordable and meaningful information on service delivery. The e-center applications have increased the productivity of both public service providers and government officers. Being aware that somebody somewhere is monitoring and keeping record over internet of where, when, and how one delivers his or her service to entire public is challenging. This explains why the application has gone unnoticed for many years. In conclusion, besides increasing productivity, e-center applications can enhance accountability and effectiveness in government operations and services, improve government service to businesses and industry, and more significantly, modernize and enable efficient service delivery to the public. References Harris, K. (2005) ICT for service delivery, e-center for Society policy making, UNDP: Task Force. How to cite Killer applications in Government offices: Discussion, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Real World market Of Reliance Jio Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Questions: 1.Briefly describe the nature and characteristics of the chosen company? 2.Market Structure of the chosen market? 3.Causes for the policy change? 4.One Real life government intervention in the market? 5.Overall benefits or pitfalls of this intervention by the government? Answers: Introduction This essay is about the real world market and a real world company, and about the upcoming or a recently introduced policy of the government. In this essay we will discuss the possible positive or negative effects on the real world market and the company from the policy of the government. In this essay we will choose the telecommunication market of India, and the real world company to be discussed in this essay is Reliance Jio. Within a period of less than a year, reliance jio successfully made a customer base of more than 119 crore(The Free Encylcopedia). The new telecom policy of India is expected to hit this sector in March 2018 and the changes made in it are capable of stirring the growth of the companies falling in this sector. The new telecommunication policy is customer centric and the companies are expected to lessen their revenues to benefits the customers. 1. Reliance Jio is a telecommunication company, the services of jio commercially came into existence on 5th September 2016. The reliance jio is a wholly owned subsidiary of reliance industries. The reliance jio belongs to the telecommunication sector of India. The telecommunication sector of India currently has 12 companies that are providing their broadband and calling services to the Indian market(Shankar, 2013). The characteristics of reliance jio are as under(Features of Jio, 2017): The reliance jio comes with a absolutely desirable characteristic of free calling to its users for a period of 3months or more, if the customer buys a package of Jio. The availability is another major characteristic of Jio. It has tied up with 20 major smart phone companies, which is a very large number by any company in India. Jio provide its users different applications, such as Jio Security to safeguard mobile data, Jio Cinema to entertain customers, Jio Bank to pay electronically etc. The Reliance Jio has not limited itself to the mobile sim but it has also introduced Dongles for a very low price of 1999rs. The Reliance Jio offers very economical plans to the students. The students by providing their student IDs can get 25% more data. 2. The market structure of the telecommunication market is that of oligopoly. Oligopoly is that type of market where there is a small number of sellers selling almost identical goods to a large number of buyers with having some power of influencing the price of the products(Luther, 2015). In this market the action done by one firm can be easily seen in the activities of the other firm. Reliance Jio entered the market with very economical data plans, which were never expected by the other telecommunication companies, these economical plans of Jio, totally destroyed the profits of the other companies. 3. The ministry of communication in India received a lots and lots of complaints from the customers about the high rate charges, drop-calls, roaming etc by the telecom companies. The telecom companies in India, prior to the incorporation of jio were charging exorbitant rates for 4G services, even the calls rate were so high that people were constantly shifting from one network to other. So to make the telecommunication market a customer centric market, the government felt the need to change the policy and by the march of 2018, the new policy will be in the market possibly having following changes(India, 2017): Introduction of 5G services within reasonable prices. Abolition of roaming charges across the country. High penalties over drop calls. If these changes comes into the telecommunication market then there will be an increase in the competition, only key players such as Reliance Jio and Airtel will survive(Mehra, 2017), and this upcoming policy, as said is taking the customer into the centre so ultimately it is going to benefit the pockets of the customer. 4. In India recently GST was introduced. This intervention of the government imposed a fixed 18% tax rate on the telecommunication sector of India. This tax imposition didnt went in the favor of the customers, as the rates of calls, data and other things went so high that customers started shifting to the lower price plans. This intervention by government was only meant to broaden and strengthen the tax structure of India, by only imposing one tax and abolishing all other taxes. 5. Not even the telecommunication industry but the customers are disadvantaged from this intervention, as now the customers are being taxed more. For understanding the disadvantage of this intervention we will here take an example: customers who are having a base plan of rs1000 now needs to pay 1000+ 18% tax, no customer will be happy paying such a higher tax, even the telecom sector itself is not happy with such a high rate of tax as they know, now customers will start shifting from bigger plans to the smaller ones that is ultimately going to affect the profitability of the telecom sector. The experts of the telecommunication sector of India are not in the favor of this tax reform, they said that this hike in tax rates will further increase the burden of this sector as it is already bleeding because of such a high intensity competition between the existing companies, now every companies needs to lower the prices of their existing plans, and in order to do so the companies will left after nothing in their hands(Singh, 2017). Below is a graph that shows how the profits of the telecom industry fell down after the introduction of GST: It is clearly visible that after the implementation of GST the profits of each company is falling and this fall in the profitability is not digested by the telecom sector. Conclusion Above is discussion about the real world market and a real world company that is set up in India. The upcoming policy states that it is customer centric; however the tax on the telecom sector is so exorbitant that this aim of making the policy customer centric doesnt seems to be achievable. Bibliography Features of Jio. (2017). Economic Times , 1. India, M. o. (2017). New Telecom Policy 2018. Delhi: Telecom Ministry of India. Luther, M. (2015). Different structures of market. Bath: London Publishers. Mehra, R. (2017). The entry of Jio and the Upcoming Telecom Policy. India Today , 10. Shankar, R. P. (2013). Telecom Sector In India. Lucknow: U.P Printing Press. Singh, H. (2017). Pitfalls of GST. Mumbai: Kalyani Publishers. The Free Encylcopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved Feburary 15th, 2017, from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jio