Sunday, December 22, 2019

Analysis Of The Poem Cadeon Woede Essay - 900 Words

Cadeon Woede came upon the headless bodies of his foster father and brothers first, the three slain in a desperate defense of their home. Their remains littered the ground near a demolished section of the barricades around their farmstead. Cadeon recognized the merciless slaughter as the work of revenants, corpse creatures dispatched by Omort the Deathless, their kingdom s most dreaded enemy. He shuddered in stunned disbelief, his mind refusing to accept this... The girls - Like a shot, he charged up a hillock to the smoldering shell of the family s house. His foster sisters might have escaped into the forest. Heart thundering, he searched the ruins, praying to find nothing within. Sweat rolled down his face and into his eyes, mingling with the swirling ash and soot. In the area where the hearth used to be, he found what was left of his younger foster sisters. They d been burned, and while they were still alive. Their muscles had contracted in the heat, their little bodies curling up on the floor. He lurched outside, retching until his throat was raw. No one had survived. Running his forearm over his face, he staggered to an old oak, sinking down against it. In the space of a day, everything he d loved in the world was dead. The threat of Omort had hovered idly over the land for decades, yet the dark sorcerer had chosen this time to attack. Cadeon feared he knew why. Mine own fault. He buried his head in his hands. All of this is my doing. To most who knew him,

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