Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Big Foot Essay - 948 Words

BIG FOOT nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Is Bigfoot real? Bigfoot was known in the past to be just a legend, but more and more researchers keep finding more and more information to back their theory up. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Where is Bigfoot? â€Å" Dennis Roe was hidden in a bush outside of Hollywood and a female Bigfoot about six feet tall, approximately three feet wide, weighing around three hundred pounds came towards Dennis unaware she was being watched. When bigfoot was about twenty feet away from Dennis, it squatted down and crawled over to the bush he was hiding in.† Hundreds and hundreds of people have reported seeing a bigfoot. â€Å"The existence of Bigfoot is taken for granted throughout native North America and so are his†¦show more content†¦People found in letters, books, and old newspaper clippings, that people recorded sightings of a hairy covered half man, half ape. Others tell of the discovery of unusually large, but human-like footprints on a trail, or human-like noises described as gibberish, jabber, or a baby’s cry. Occasionally, an inhuman, horrifying yell could be heard in the dead of the night. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;â€Å"Statistical analysis was applied to groups of vocal tract estimates from different vocalizations, and a significant difference was found between the groups. When compared with human data the results indicated that there could possibly be three speakers, one of, which is nonhuman. The average vocal tract length was found to be 20.2 cm. This significantly longer than for a normal human male. Extrapolation of average estimators, using human proportions, gives height estimates of between 6’4† and 8’2†.† - Professor R Lynn Kirlin and Lasse Hertel nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Where can you find a Bigfoot nearest to you? Stories about small humanoids who inhabit wild places are found in many areas of the world, especially Europe. Bigfoot apparently lives in California,Show MoreRelatedBig Foot2030 Words   |  9 Pagessearching for Bigfoot for years. In the woods of eastern Ohio, he claims he finally came eye to eye with the elusive primate. It was 2 oclock in the morning and the moon was a quarter full, recalled Moneymaker. Suddenly, there he was, an eight-foot-tall creature, standing 15 feet away, growling at me. He wanted to let me know I was in the wrong place. ( Mr. Moneymaker who is a lawyer and runs his own marketing agency appears to be a very credible person with no reasonRead MoreBig Foot Research968 Words   |  4 Pagesnumerous states, most reports come from the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. Numerous Bigfoot sightings have also been reported in British Columbia, Canada. In Wisc onsin, the Lakota Indians call the creature Chiye-tanka, a word meaning Big Elder Brother. 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