Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Cancer A Disease That Caused By Uncontrolled Division Of...

Lung Cancer Melissa Flores St. Pius X St. Matthias Academy General Biology, Period 4 Ms. Washington Cancer General Information Cancer is a disease that is caused by uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in the part of our human bodies (American Heart Society [AHS], 2015). There are more than 100 diseases that have to do with cancer. In the world today, hundreds of people are diagnosed with cancer . Cancers that are untreated can cause serious illnesses and deaths. Cells in the part of the body start to grow out of control and it is known as cancer. Cancer cell growth is completely different from normal cell growth (American Heart Society [AHS], 2015). People also get affected by cancer because it is passed on by the DNA of their parents. DNA is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organism (Genetics Home Reference [GHR], 2015). Wherever cancer is spread there is always a name from where exactly is started (American Heart Society [AHS], 2015). Lung Cancer Background Information When a cancer begins in the lungs or people who smoke are affected it is known as Lung cancer. For Lung cancer there are two major types. First, there is non- cell lung cancer and then there is small cell lung cancer. Non-small cell lung cancer is when cancer cells start to form in the tissues of the lung. For small cell lung cancer is begins directly on the center of the chest. It starts to grow fast and spreads quickly. It always spreads to close part of theShow MoreRelatedThe Disease Of Cancer And Cancer975 Words   |  4 PagesCancer is the name given to a collection of many diseases. Cancer is uncontrolled cell division due to genetic changes that interfere the cell cycle and activate cell division. The cancer start in any part of the human body, such as in blood, lung, and colon. Cancers are different in the ways they spread and grow. Cancers types have its own characteristics. The general characteristics of Cancers are they work in the absence of growth factors, make their ow n growth factors, don’t respond to the signalRead MoreCancer And The Second Point1432 Words   |  6 PagesSince the beginning of time cancer has had a major impact on the world, from your love ones or your self slowly dying from it. What is Cancer, where did it come from, how did we as humans get it? Who does it affect? Are there different types of cancer? Can I get cancer? These are just some questions that can go through a persons mind just thinking about cancer or seeing it in the media. The Definition of cancer is a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body. InRead MoreEssay Cancer1081 Words   |  5 PagesCancer Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. If the spread of these abnormal cells is not controlled, cancer can cause death. Most cancers take the form of tumors, although not all tumors are cancers. A tumor is simply a mass of new tissue that serves no physiological purpose. It can be benign, like a wart, or malignant, like cancer. Benign tumors are made up of cells similar to the surrounding normal cells and are enclosed in aRead MoreTaking a Look at Cancer1508 Words   |  6 PagesCANCER Cancer is the transformation of normal cells into malignant (harmful) cells. This transformation is the consequence of a genetic mutation of the DNA in normal cells due to an overexposure to carcinogens, chemicals, radiation, trauma, viral infections or chronic inflammations. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, â€Å"in 2013 over 500 Canadians were to be diagnosed with cancer everyday, and over 200 Canadians were to die from it everyday† (http://www.cancer.ca/en/cancer-information/cancer-101/cancer-statistics-at-a-glance/Read MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1372 Words   |  6 PagesBreast Cancer Disease Overview Breast cancer is a disease in which certain cells in the breast become abnormal and multiply uncontrollably to form a tumor. Breast cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. (Only skin cancer is more common.) About one in eight women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer in her lifetime. Researchers estimate that more than 230,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in U.S. women in 2015. Cancers occur when aRead MoreAlternative Treatment Of Cancer Essay977 Words   |  4 PagesAlternative treatment of cancer Cancer is an abnormality in the body that results from uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. These unchecked growth results from the body’s’ control mechanisms’ inability to function normally. As a result of this abnormality, the old cells of the body do not die yet they are supposed to die. Therefore, the cells grow out uncontrollably forming a mass of tissue called tumor (Dollinger, 72). However, it’s not all forms of cancer that form tumors in the bodyRead MoreThe Science And Nature Of The Disease1257 Words   |  6 PagesCancer is defined as a disease caused by uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body. These cells can form a tumour that is either malignant (cancerous) or benign (non-cancerous) (Pierce et al 1971). The focus of this paper will be childhood cancer, in particular Neuroblastoma, which will be examined with reference to three main areas: the science and nature of the disease, the social context with relat ion to funding, and finally the contribution of Australian scientists into childhoodRead MoreCauses And Effects Of Cancer1048 Words   |  5 PagesCancer is a name given to collection of various diseases that are caused by a similar mechanism: uncontrolled division of cells that results in formation of abnormal cells that grow without stopping - tumors. Cancer is caused by changes in genes of the cells that control the way they function. Those changes can be caused by various environmental factors, such as excess ultraviolet exposure from the sun, chemicals in tobacco smoke, radiation from radioactive elements and many other factors. The onlyRead MoreThe Is The Uncontrolled Growth Of Blood Cancer New Zealand1609 Words   |  7 PagesLeukaemia is the uncontrolled growth of blood cells which occurs in the bone marrow (National Cancer Institute, 2013). Every day six New Zealanders are diagnosed with some form of blood cancer (Leukaemia and blood cancer New Zealand, 2015). It is belie ved that more than 10,000 people in New Zealand are affected by blood cancers such as, leukaemia, lymphoma or myeloma or related blood diseases (Leukaemia and blood cancer New Zealand, 2015).Leukaemia is believed to be ten times more common in adultsRead MoreEssay Finding a Cure: Stem Cell Research1321 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Cancer is a disease that will come after you, your family, your work, and every facet of your life.† It is the second leading cause of deaths in the United States, and is directly associated to obesity. In fact, one out of every three woman, and half of men, will develop cancer in their lifetimes. Cancer attacks health, attitude, and confidence with array of chemicals, tests, treatments, and paperwork. In many cases it will come back, even stronger and terrifying. Since cancer is such an immense

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Analysis Of The Poem Cadeon Woede Essay - 900 Words

Cadeon Woede came upon the headless bodies of his foster father and brothers first, the three slain in a desperate defense of their home. Their remains littered the ground near a demolished section of the barricades around their farmstead. Cadeon recognized the merciless slaughter as the work of revenants, corpse creatures dispatched by Omort the Deathless, their kingdom s most dreaded enemy. He shuddered in stunned disbelief, his mind refusing to accept this... The girls - Like a shot, he charged up a hillock to the smoldering shell of the family s house. His foster sisters might have escaped into the forest. Heart thundering, he searched the ruins, praying to find nothing within. Sweat rolled down his face and into his eyes, mingling with the swirling ash and soot. In the area where the hearth used to be, he found what was left of his younger foster sisters. They d been burned, and while they were still alive. Their muscles had contracted in the heat, their little bodies curling up on the floor. He lurched outside, retching until his throat was raw. No one had survived. Running his forearm over his face, he staggered to an old oak, sinking down against it. In the space of a day, everything he d loved in the world was dead. The threat of Omort had hovered idly over the land for decades, yet the dark sorcerer had chosen this time to attack. Cadeon feared he knew why. Mine own fault. He buried his head in his hands. All of this is my doing. To most who knew him,

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Killer applications in Government offices Discussion Free Essays

Over the last five years almost everybody has fallen victim of technology proliferation in government offices. It is common to find PCs, voice mail applications, answering machines, fax machines, and other related hardware on many desks. Technology is indeed reversing the way people do things. We will write a custom essay sample on Killer applications in Government offices: Discussion or any similar topic only for you Order Now Whether the reversed and dynamic way is increasing individual productivity is a mystery that is often unnoticeable. Advent of enhanced technology in non-white collar jobs has truly led to high productivity. However, this is not true for white collar jobs. Basically, it appears that technology has not brought same goodies in office setting as it has in other fields. This may be partly due to absence of adequate measurement. It is not easy to ascertain productivity in non manufacturing jobs. On the other hand, it is the case that human beings are not good at realizing potential embedded in technology. In itself, technology is not capable of producing enhanced services. If one is working in an office that has increased its access to computers and computer applications, it is vital that one understand why increased productivity does not follow automatically. A necessary and or desirable computer program that when applied increases productivity or sales of an already existing computer application can be referred as a killer application. Currently many governments have set up telecentres by embracing information and communication Technology (ICT) throughout the country. This is part of technology based e-center application to monitor service delivery in government offices. It provides public with affordable and meaningful information on service delivery. The e-center applications have increased the productivity of both public service providers and government officers. Being aware that somebody somewhere is monitoring and keeping record over internet of where, when, and how one delivers his or her service to entire public is challenging. This explains why the application has gone unnoticed for many years. In conclusion, besides increasing productivity, e-center applications can enhance accountability and effectiveness in government operations and services, improve government service to businesses and industry, and more significantly, modernize and enable efficient service delivery to the public. References Harris, K. (2005) ICT for service delivery, e-center for Society policy making, UNDP: Task Force. How to cite Killer applications in Government offices: Discussion, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Real World market Of Reliance Jio Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Questions: 1.Briefly describe the nature and characteristics of the chosen company? 2.Market Structure of the chosen market? 3.Causes for the policy change? 4.One Real life government intervention in the market? 5.Overall benefits or pitfalls of this intervention by the government? Answers: Introduction This essay is about the real world market and a real world company, and about the upcoming or a recently introduced policy of the government. In this essay we will discuss the possible positive or negative effects on the real world market and the company from the policy of the government. In this essay we will choose the telecommunication market of India, and the real world company to be discussed in this essay is Reliance Jio. Within a period of less than a year, reliance jio successfully made a customer base of more than 119 crore(The Free Encylcopedia). The new telecom policy of India is expected to hit this sector in March 2018 and the changes made in it are capable of stirring the growth of the companies falling in this sector. The new telecommunication policy is customer centric and the companies are expected to lessen their revenues to benefits the customers. 1. Reliance Jio is a telecommunication company, the services of jio commercially came into existence on 5th September 2016. The reliance jio is a wholly owned subsidiary of reliance industries. The reliance jio belongs to the telecommunication sector of India. The telecommunication sector of India currently has 12 companies that are providing their broadband and calling services to the Indian market(Shankar, 2013). The characteristics of reliance jio are as under(Features of Jio, 2017): The reliance jio comes with a absolutely desirable characteristic of free calling to its users for a period of 3months or more, if the customer buys a package of Jio. The availability is another major characteristic of Jio. It has tied up with 20 major smart phone companies, which is a very large number by any company in India. Jio provide its users different applications, such as Jio Security to safeguard mobile data, Jio Cinema to entertain customers, Jio Bank to pay electronically etc. The Reliance Jio has not limited itself to the mobile sim but it has also introduced Dongles for a very low price of 1999rs. The Reliance Jio offers very economical plans to the students. The students by providing their student IDs can get 25% more data. 2. The market structure of the telecommunication market is that of oligopoly. Oligopoly is that type of market where there is a small number of sellers selling almost identical goods to a large number of buyers with having some power of influencing the price of the products(Luther, 2015). In this market the action done by one firm can be easily seen in the activities of the other firm. Reliance Jio entered the market with very economical data plans, which were never expected by the other telecommunication companies, these economical plans of Jio, totally destroyed the profits of the other companies. 3. The ministry of communication in India received a lots and lots of complaints from the customers about the high rate charges, drop-calls, roaming etc by the telecom companies. The telecom companies in India, prior to the incorporation of jio were charging exorbitant rates for 4G services, even the calls rate were so high that people were constantly shifting from one network to other. So to make the telecommunication market a customer centric market, the government felt the need to change the policy and by the march of 2018, the new policy will be in the market possibly having following changes(India, 2017): Introduction of 5G services within reasonable prices. Abolition of roaming charges across the country. High penalties over drop calls. If these changes comes into the telecommunication market then there will be an increase in the competition, only key players such as Reliance Jio and Airtel will survive(Mehra, 2017), and this upcoming policy, as said is taking the customer into the centre so ultimately it is going to benefit the pockets of the customer. 4. In India recently GST was introduced. This intervention of the government imposed a fixed 18% tax rate on the telecommunication sector of India. This tax imposition didnt went in the favor of the customers, as the rates of calls, data and other things went so high that customers started shifting to the lower price plans. This intervention by government was only meant to broaden and strengthen the tax structure of India, by only imposing one tax and abolishing all other taxes. 5. Not even the telecommunication industry but the customers are disadvantaged from this intervention, as now the customers are being taxed more. For understanding the disadvantage of this intervention we will here take an example: customers who are having a base plan of rs1000 now needs to pay 1000+ 18% tax, no customer will be happy paying such a higher tax, even the telecom sector itself is not happy with such a high rate of tax as they know, now customers will start shifting from bigger plans to the smaller ones that is ultimately going to affect the profitability of the telecom sector. The experts of the telecommunication sector of India are not in the favor of this tax reform, they said that this hike in tax rates will further increase the burden of this sector as it is already bleeding because of such a high intensity competition between the existing companies, now every companies needs to lower the prices of their existing plans, and in order to do so the companies will left after nothing in their hands(Singh, 2017). Below is a graph that shows how the profits of the telecom industry fell down after the introduction of GST: It is clearly visible that after the implementation of GST the profits of each company is falling and this fall in the profitability is not digested by the telecom sector. Conclusion Above is discussion about the real world market and a real world company that is set up in India. The upcoming policy states that it is customer centric; however the tax on the telecom sector is so exorbitant that this aim of making the policy customer centric doesnt seems to be achievable. Bibliography Features of Jio. (2017). Economic Times , 1. India, M. o. (2017). New Telecom Policy 2018. Delhi: Telecom Ministry of India. Luther, M. (2015). Different structures of market. Bath: London Publishers. Mehra, R. (2017). The entry of Jio and the Upcoming Telecom Policy. India Today , 10. Shankar, R. P. (2013). Telecom Sector In India. Lucknow: U.P Printing Press. Singh, H. (2017). Pitfalls of GST. Mumbai: Kalyani Publishers. The Free Encylcopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved Feburary 15th, 2017, from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jio

Friday, November 29, 2019

Plato’s Argument for Three Parts of the Soul free essay sample

These parts also match up the three ranks of a just community. Personal justice involves maintaining the three parts in the proper balance, where reason rules while appetite obeys. According to Plato, the appetitive part of the soul is the one that is accountable for the desires in people. It is accountable for the effortless cravings required to stay alive like hunger, thirst, and for pointless cravings like desire to over feed. The desires for essential things should be limited by other sections of the soul, while illegitimate desires ought to be limited entirely by other elements of soul. The rational soul on the other hand is the thinking element in every human being, which decided what is factual and merely obvious, judges what is factual and what is untrue, and intelligently makes sensible decisions. Finally, the spirited soul produces the desires that love victory and honor. In the just soul, the spirit acts as an implementer of the rational soul, making sure that the rules of reason are adhered to. We will write a custom essay sample on Plato’s Argument for Three Parts of the Soul or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Emotions like indignation and anger are the impact of the disappointment of the spirit. Someone might respond to the claim that the soul comprises of three parts. Argument Plato argued that a community has three parts which are guardians, producers, and soldiers and each part performs a particular function. For a community to be just, every element has to perform the role to the best capacity, which is a good worth. The same characters and elements will materialize in the state; have to exist in every person. Someone might respond to Plato’s argument that if the good worth of a community were not in a person, it would be hard for the community to uphold itself. The understanding is that a community is just a collection of people who have formed a sense of laws on living collectively; thereby, every individual would introduce some elements, values and functions into the community. Since every person contributes to the community, those aspects that are present in the community, ought to have come from the person, thereby, souls have three different elements. Moreover, Plato argued that there has to be at least two parts in the soul; one that stops an individual from undertaking action and another, which brings about the need for the action. The two elements cannot act in two differing ways, there has to be more than one force in the soul. Someone might respond to the claim saying that an action cannot be moving and resting at the same time except another force has been involved. Additionally, there is an element of logic which says that a thing cannot be itself, and also be its reverse. Objections There is a possibility that Plato has confused the difference between wanting to do something and not wanting to do it, which are reverses, with the difference between wanting to do something and wanting not to do it which is not apparently reverse at all. It is a natural state of human life that an individual desires both to undertake something, and not undertake it. For example, someone who is very hungry and so wants to consume the only food that is accessible, which is a cabbage; however, she hates cabbage. This means that this person wants to eat cabbage and does not want it at the same time. If this leads one to the conclusion that there are distinct elements of the soul, then one would be talking or thinking about a big number of such diverse parts. Possible responses final rebuttals People show similar characteristics and perform similar roles that states do. Applying the equivalence in this way assumes that every person just like the state, is a complicated whole composed of various different elements, each of which has its own right responsibility. When faced with options concerning what to do, individuals feel the tug of various impulses drawing them in various directions at the same time, and the most innate explanation for this condition is to differentiate between discrete elements of human beings. For a community to be just; people have to be just and thus, the soul has to contain three discrete elements, which would match the three elements of community. Conclusion Plato argued that the spirit was the last part and important in bringing about balance between appetite and rational. The three parts of the soul reflects the three parts of the society. Therefore, there has to be three parts in the soul since man has fervent appetites, even if he does not follow through on the desires all the time. Spirit is the concierge that helps man in ensuring the two forces are in check, while offering the human beings vitality and life. Devoid of the three parts, the souls would fail to be just, and the community would fail to neither be unjust nor function.

Monday, November 25, 2019

buy custom Social Meanings of a New Technology essay

buy custom Social Meanings of a New Technology essay David Nye traces the up hill process through which electricity was integrated into Americas everyday life. Muncie in Indiana was the touchstone used by the author to analyze how the use of electricity seeped into the American culture and redefined it. He provides a thought provoking panorama of a fundamental technology to modern life. He emphasizes the experiences faced by ordinary men and women instead of inventors and entrepreneurs lives. The book is primarily about the contributions of electricity to the history of modern technology. It gives a thorough analysis on the socio-cultural impact of electricity. A variety of approaches not usually found in histories of technology is put into play. The approach can be described as that of the social historian and its extended approaches is inspired by: - literature, art history, record of material culture and anthropology. The book is both a coherent and fascinating narration on how the average American responded and adapted to a new-fan gled technology. Nye approaches electrification as a technical possibility set that was partially adopted to create the street car suburb, the assembly line, the industrialized farm, the amusement park and the Great White Way. He brings to book how electricity affected all spheres of American life and its extensiveness in political ideologies. He strives to prove how it has created the image of the modern city virtually and its marriage with new colloquial speech, therefore confirming values of high energy and standards in the twentieth century that have become hallmarks. He makes it his quest to pursue social meanings regarding electrification expressed in utopian ideas and exhibitions at world fairs. He furthermore examines the evocation of electrical landscapes in photography, literature and painting. Chronology and topicality in the analysis of important forms of light and power as they came to use, are combined by the author. It portrays that in the city, electricity prompted the possibility of new art appearances and new consumption environments by virtue of a more varied landscape development. Electricity brought about a restructuring of the size and scale of operating in factories, making power to be shifted away from shop floors to managers. Moreover, electric appliances redefined domestic work thereby transforming the landscape of the home. He traces electricity as having laid a foundation to modern age agribusiness. However, Nye stresses out that it is inappropriate to deem electricity as an external force that influences both humans and their social material institutions that are passive objects. He chooses to see electricity as a social construction. It would be of interest to observe that social construction is part of the greater structural functionalism theory. This theory bases its foundation on the different components of a society, which can give birth to a new one. If there is a structure that is not utilized oftenly in the society, then it is bound to burn itself out. Nye also points at the electric technology and its symbolic nature. Symbolic interactions mean that umans define the world in terms of symbols, which are interpreted differently by individuals. For instance, the color red may mean one thing in one community but have an entirely dissimilar meaning in another community. He expresses his dissatisfaction with those who claim that the social history of electricity should be explained in purely functional terms. Such objections are not entirely new, but it is the way Nye sheds some new light on the need for a non-functional history of technology that is intriguing. Having addressed the strong points and premises contained in the book, we are also able to contrast them with the shortcomings of the literary piece. First of all, the book gives much coverage on: - motors, refrigerators, electric medicine and washing machines among other utilities that immediately impact our lives. However, telephony and telegraphy receives no attention at all even though these branches of electricity were of no less importance. The book is also found to be wanting in terms of not focusing on traditional aspects such as;- the invention and development of new technologies. These aspects should have been included by the author because; their omission has narrowed the number of facts that would have given the reader a broader perspective regarding the discipline. Contrary to that, it is more engrossed to the attitude of ordinary people towards the technology and the utilization of a particular technology. The author struggles throughout the thesis to back up his ideologies and this is reflected in the text. This is not to say that the book excludes more technical and innovative approaches like other related works but, it is the same subject matter approached from a different angle. Looking at the history of electrical technology, there is space for the inventions of Thomas Edison and the attitudes of the unknown citizens of the town, which was used as a case study. The use of Middle town has its host of weaknesses which are also overlooked in the book. A good instance of the unprecedented dangers of relying on the residents of Middletown is the fact that it does not include the poor, blacks and Hispanics but rather the white folks in the middle income bracket and the wealthy few aristocratic families. Nye should have improved his argument that electrical technology was socially specific at the time he authored the book by including the minority communities and groupings in this society as well. Nye fails to factor in the importance of religious, social differences and geographic differences and how these factors affected the history of electricity. Electrification process is also not compared with the progress, technologies and cultures existing in other parts of the world such as: - Europe and Asia. The omission is fatal because, it would have provided depth in his findings. In America, electrification of the family Christmas tree was incorporated into the culture while in Denmark, it was almost regarded as blasphemous to electrif y the same tree. In this regard, the restriction of his analysis to the American scene misses a whole new aspect and variations that should have been covered. We are only able to see the attitudes expressed by one culture. The only olive branch that he stretches out is when he notes the differences in the ownership of appliances between Europe and America and mentions the fact that Europe was in the lead in terms of rural electrification, but the buck stops there in terms of a comparative analysis. Nyes understanding and explanation of new technologies as being social constructions have to be re- examined as he refrains from explicitly expounding and explaining on the said subject. His many examples also fail to save the situation. A social constructivist theory is what this thesis approaches because; there are more than enough similarities between the two although the extensiveness in usage of this school of thought is unclear. Most of the given examples tend to imply that ways through which electricity was incorporated into the everyday experience or specific use of electrical technology in the societal forms were social constructions. If this is what is being insinuated by Nye, then the thesis is either non-controversial or it is warranted to be somewhat trivial. Nye, as a consequence of the idea of technology being a socially constructed reality therefore, objects all manner of technological deterministic thoughts. What Nye should take into account is that technology should not be seen as an abstract force with its own developmental logic. In other words, technology should be seen rather as a technical potentialities set. Parts of this of this set should inculcate the decisions made by ordinary people. In essence, this ordinary citizen and not the researcher, inventor, scientist or manager, is responsible for the creation of a given technology by virtue of their own free will. The choices of what technological devices to use and how to assign the meaning should also be selected by this individual. A strong inclination towards voluntarism is taken by the author when it comes to assessing the consumer. This is because, there is an over estimation of an individual consumers impact on technology. Globalization and the general tendency of uniformity in technology around the globe makes it a hard task to easily accept Nyes position. The issue of technological determinism is not exorcised easily from the mind of a critic reader. A clearer and more analytic discussion of some fundamental historiography of technology questions are omitted in the text that the book implicitly addresses. The hoard of weaknesses notwithstanding, Electrifying America isan impressive, carefully documented exploration and a work of art regarding the ordinary American's cultural and material interaction with electricity. The work spans a period of six decades, which means that it takes into account the effects of time on the cultural aspect and integration of electricity to a local community. Disregarding the uncivilized methodologies used, the works of Nye are highly rated and recommendable in terms of reading in order to attain the ancient developments in this field. It is also a plus for the reader because, Nye helps us to look at the world through his eyes and we find ourselves face to face with an ideology different from what we are accustomed to. Buy custom Social Meanings of a New Technology essay

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Assignment 1 Week 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Assignment 1 Week 5 - Essay Example help entrepreneurs learn what trends a certain country has been following or what are the driving factors for people. Google Analytics gives details of traffic, sources of traffic, new visitors, average number of pages visited, the search engine driving most traffic and even the key words driving traffic. There are some sites that even provide information regarding how trends in countries have changed. Such data can be used by entrepreneurs when entering new markets and when venturing into new business arenas. This whole data eventually leads to the fact that entrepreneurs need to keep bringing innovation, because at the end of the day it is the entrepreneur’s Unique Selling Proposition that makes him the winner. IT is not only used for competitive analysis, but is also used by different professionals in order to look for information regarding their field. For instance, IBM has designed an innovation called Care360 which helps the doctors to learn about the effects of a certain medicine on a specific patient. This has helped the doctors and the patients by giving them satisfaction and a sense of safety and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Should workers have the right to strike, and should this right be Essay

Should workers have the right to strike, and should this right be restricted in particular contexts or for particular groups of - Essay Example However, if companies adopt a stakeholder model of corporate governance, the need to strike might be averted. The stakeholder model of corporate governance becomes relevant in the issue of a strike because the structure of the philosophy of governance, when geared towards a shareholder model becomes a microcosm example of survival of the fittest. Each member of a shareholder model is serving his or her own interests because the overall corporate culture is geared towards only protecting the interests of the owners at the expense of all other considerations. Improvements in employment conditions do not occur unless they are of a benefit to the shareholder’s interests. Layoffs and terminations are made liberally with high levels of turnover when the interests of all parties are usurped by an upward flow of actions that are geared solely towards the owners. In a stakeholder model of corporate governance, all parties, including the employees, are taken into consideration when maki ng the decisions that affect the company. Everyone’s concerns and needs are addressed, and most are met, in order for all to receive the benefits of the interests of the company. The Right to Strike The U.K. ... While the Constitution has since been signed, the issues were important enough that it delayed the U.K. in agreeing to all the terms within the document. Part of the regulations that define the right to work in the UK are structures on how a strike must be approached and voted upon. Although, as pointed out by Mr. Hendy during a debate in Parliament in 2009, all governments have restrictions on the right to strike, the British government has set up structures that limit those rights to a point that the international community has voiced objections that have had to be addressed (Great Britain and Dismore 2009, p. 25). Therefore, the debate over the right to strike has been an ongoing issues within the U.K. However, the right to strike extends beyond the laws that currently and previously structured the rights of the employee to protest his or her conditions within the work place. The right to strike is the right to help define how a social group, that group defined by the workers, has the ability to designate boundaries under which they will allow themselves to be used for the purposes of commerce. The right to strike is a legal concept, but it is also a human rights concept that must be considered when there are problems within the work place that are impeding the basic human condition. According to Amnesty International (2010) the right to strike is a human’s right’s issue that can be held as a standard in regard to the level of human rights that are available within a nation. When a country cannot afford its workers the rights to organize and protest conditions that are not conducive to the welfare of their lives. Issues such as fair wages and worker safety can create problems that must be

Monday, November 18, 2019

It is the Introductory Memo assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

It is the Introductory Memo - Assignment Example Attaining the position of the Finance Advisor for a company is my ultimate long-term goal. I aim to express exceptional performance in my writing course for this semester. I will strive to internalize every information taught in class. Moreover, I will put into practice the skills learnt in the entire course into a real life situation. I hope to do part-time secretarial job during the vacation, where I will adequately apply the attained business and technical writing skills. I intend to perfect my writing skills by the end of this course. I have vast experience with computers. I usually use my Samsung laptop when at home. My Samsung laptop has the following specifications, Core i7 with a processing speed of 4.00 GHz, and windows 8 installed. I recently worked in Dell Inc. and my key responsibility was to write the incorporation’s newsletters as well as updating the company’s website. These duties greatly improved my writing skills. My earlier workplace was in Coca-Cola Company, where compiled financial report for the company. Some of my achievements include participating in swimming competition, in which I emerged the best. I enrolled in a driving school and attained a license after completing the course successfully. I have also attained a driving license after completing the driving course. I will also list this course among my achievement after completing it successfully. My desire is to excel in both technical and business writing course. I developed an interest to enrol in this course because of what I experienced at my previous workplace. I expect to develop good communication skills by the end of the course. Few business and technical writers exist, and I view this course as an opportunity from which I can earn a living after successfully completing it. In addition, I would want to assist students that struggle to improve their business and technical writing

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Automation of Plastic Grinding Plant using HMI and PLC

Automation of Plastic Grinding Plant using HMI and PLC CAREER EPISODE: 03 INTRODUCTION: 3.1) The career episode three presents an extensive description of the project Automation of plastic grinding plant using HMI and PLC. This project was part of my industry internship Project 2 in the final semester, as well as a requirement to complete my degree, Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics and Communication)from Gujarat Technological University, India. I started this project with a team of three engineers including myself and a project trainer. The project duration was five months which included project training, implementation and testing. We worked as Electronic engineer interns in Mega Switchgears, India for this project. BACKGROUND: 3.2) In most of the small-scale industries the fault detection is done through manual means i.e. a lot of time is spent in identifying the exact point of error/failure in a particular system. It is a very exhausting task for the operator to check each and every machine in order to locate the error. To make work easier for the workers, we made an arrangement that displays a message on the HMI (Human Machine Interface) display which indicates the location of the error. 3.3) In this project, our main objective was to develop an automation system for a plastic grinding plant using HMI and PLC (Programmable Logic Controller). With the help of this automation system, we were able to monitor and control the plant from a remote location. In other words, status of each module could be monitored without going to the location of the plant and also it sends a message or alert with the location of the error whenever there is a problem or failure in the plant. 3.4) My roles and responsibilities included: Programming of PLC using WPL software Simulation of Plastic Grinding plant on HMI using Screen Editor software Assisting in designing the hardware prototype of plastic grinding plant Maintaining neat and organized electrical connection between different components Discuss future tasks and assess every team members work in weekly meetings. Maintain technical documentation. 3.5) Project mechanism PERSONAL ENGINEERING ACTIVITY 3.6) For this project, we went through an extensive training program for five months and simultaneously we completed our project implementation as well as the testing. We were working as interns in the organization. This training gave us an insight to the technical culture of an electronic industry. During this internship, we came across many new electric components such as PLC and HMI and learnt new approaches to design an electronic circuit in an organized manner as per IEEE design standards. I was trained by the project trainer in programming the PLC and HMI using different softwares. As a team, we were trained in designing and implementing the prototype of an automated plastic grinding system. During our training, we were also given lessons on safety measures to avoid hazardous situations. For a safety environment, we were provided gloves, clothes and glasses to design electronic circuit and mechanical hand. 3.7) Hardware Implementation We started with the designing of the prototype, discussed regarding the work process of the system and selection of components. In this project, we used DVP12SA PLC which was selected under the guidance of our project trainer and depending upon the application of the project. It consists of 8 input ports and 4 output ports. PLC is programmable controller which comprises of a microprocessor, input and output module, memory and power supply. It behaves according to the status of the input and output ports which depends upon the stored program in the memory of the PLC. Therefore, we decided to use PLC for our project. For the controlling and status condition of each module of the plant, I have used 8 channel and 4 channel relay cards, toggle switches and indicator lamps. Relay card is a device on which relay is mounted and can be used for controlling purpose, toggle switches for controlling certain aspects of the machines and indicator lamps are used for indication purpose of plant cond ition. These lamps have very good visibility.RS232 cable is used as a programming cable and RS485 is used to interconnect the PLC and HMI. To provide efficient power, in this project we have incorporated SMPS (Switched Mode Power Supply) Hardware Implementation with the mimic of the plant 3.8) Furthermore to automate the plastic grinding plant, we have also used Delta (DOPB07S211) HMI. I decided to use HMI in our project because it allows you to design the perfect plant diagram using a software and shows on the display screen. This made it really easy for me for the simulation process as well as monitoring the point plant from a remote location. The key feature of HDMI is to detect the exact location of the fault in the plant whenever any abnormal condition occurs such as If any motor will trip due to any abnormal condition then motor and related device process will stop and hooter gets ON, that gives a warning to the operator with audible sound. Operator can also verify which motor is tripped by visual indication on mimic by indicator lamps. 3.9) Software Implementation For software implementation, I was trained by our project trainer for two months. I used WPL Editor for PLC programming. This software is capable of providing 3 languages i.e. Ladder (LAD), Instruction (IL) and Sequential Function Chart (SFC).ÂÂ   It was easy to use the software but it was as difficult to program the PLC because the programming was implemented depending upon the various conditions of the plant and in those situations what action should be taken. After every minor implementation, I used to verify the action of the PLC in order to complete the programming successfully. For this project, I used Ladder language to program the PLC. 3.10) The second software which I was trained for was Screen Editor. I used screen editor to design the mimic diagram of plastic grinding plant with touch buttons that were used to control each module of the plant. This software is comparatively much lucid than WPL Editor software. I also incorporated colour code system for various fault condition such as follows: REDFeedback/Input is not given in system GreenSystem is running smoothly with no fault conditions YellowInterlocking the problem in the system Screen EditorHMI Display SUMMARY: 3.11) In the end after the implementation and documentation, we presented our project with the automated prototype of plastic grinding plant and gave a presentation in front of our faculty. The overall journey of this project was very productive in terms of learning, acquiring knowledge and enhancing technical skills. I faced many tough situations while pursuing this project such as programming the PLC and constructing the prototype but working under the guidance of our project trainer and as a team, made the project look easily achievable. For future prospective, system can be controlled using a computer at remote location by connecting HMI with an ethernet cable, record of faults occurring in the system can be recorded in the excel sheet and the system can be also password protected.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Impact of Emerging Technology on the Public Sector Essay -- Techno

The Impact of Emerging Technology on the Public Sector The impact of information technology has been tremendous within the public sector. Over the years, the growth and development of technology has caused the public sector to change. One of the most significant changes in technology has been the evolution of the information systems and how their development has reshaped the way the world uses technology. â€Å"It has been just over fifty years since the worlds first programmable computer became operational. It cost millions of dollars to build and processed an unprecedented 5,000 instructions per second. By 1971, Intel was able to pack 25 times that power into a single, two hundred-dollar chip. Today’s personal computers process 400,000 instructions per second and if current trends continue, desktop-computing power will be at 100,000 million instructions per second by the year 2012.† [i] Although the benefits of technology were first realized in the private sector, the public sector has been able to reap some benefits. In addition they have also incurred some of the challenges it has brought. This research paper will discuss the types of technology that are used by the public sector, cost considerations, security and confidentiality issues, the National Public Review and Government Information Technology initiatives and the challenges of training a computer literate workforce. Public Sector Technology Applications Emerging technology is the application of rising or forthcoming sciences to industrial and commercial objectives. These rising and forthcoming sciences have also been applied to the public sector. Technology has impacted the services the public sector provides as well as the internal systems used to support t... ...al, M., (1998) Technology in Government Vol. 5. No. 10., Public Lines up for Service, New York: Columbia University Press Northrop, A., Kraemer, K., Dunkle, D., and King, J. (1990) Public Administration Review vol 5., Payoffs from Computerization: Lessons Over Time, New York: Columbia University Press Reisner, R and Jones-Shearin, C. (1996) Access America Online Magazine, Improve the Public's Access to Government Services-Less Burden more Service www.accessamerica.gov/docs/public2.html {on-line} Thibodeau, P., (1999) CNN.com, Government: US will need 1.3M new IT workers by 2006, www.cnn.com/ting/9907/02/itwirk,idg/index.html {on-line} (1994) The American Heritage Dictionary 3rd Edition, New York, Dell Publishing Thompson, M., (1999) CNN.com, US Miltary Recruits on the Web, www.cnn.com/TECH/computing/9904/27/military.idg/index.html {on-line}

Monday, November 11, 2019

Cultural Anthropology Comparison Essay Essay

Two authors published separate articles that discussed the effects of Technology on families and on society in general. These articles are Technology and Social Change: The Effects on Family and Community, written by Jan English-Lueck in 1998 and Communication technologies that will change our lives, written by Graham T. T. Monitor in 2003. However, while both authors discussed the same topic, which is how technology generally affects the lives of people, they differ in the areas that they focused on in their respective articles. Basically, English-Lueck, in his article, claimed that technology has not actually adversely affected the way family members communicate among each other, but has rather enhanced it. According to him, the most significant and most obvious impact of technology on a family is that a person’s working hours extend to his or her work home. In other words, a due to the massive enhancement of technology, a person brings his or her work home when he or she should be allocating that time for his or her family. Based on English-Lueck’s article, while this can initially be viewed as a negative impact, the fact is, technology has actually efficiently improved the way family members communicate among each other. For example, a family camping trip can easily be planned in a single afternoon through the use of a pager or an E-mail as compared to the conventional method of planning it over dinner. Moreover, according to the article, family members who spend most of their time at work can regularly check if their children by paging them or calling them using a cellphone. In addition, a person can respond to emergency duties at work through by using a fax machine. In other words, English-Lueck in his article claims that it is wrong to assume that products of technology has negatively affected the family life since it they have actually made communication between members more convenient and more constant. On the other hand, Graham T. T. Monitor’s article focused on how rapid technology has been increasing over the past years and how this has lead to breaking down barriers in communication. Basically, Monitor said that due to constant technological advancements, which he believes will soon match the speed and power of the human brain, the society and families, both young and old, can easily access all types of digital communication devices that can enable them to communicate among themselves anywhere and anytime. According to him, this is possibly the most important effect on the family because it bridges the distance between family members or kin that are far away from each other. In other words, Monitor claims that the technology is improving so rapidly that people would never have to worry about communication problems. In short, both authors claim that while technological advancements can initially appear overwhelming, it should not adversely affect the way families live their lives but rather improve it. According to them, as technology improves, families should adapt to these new changes and use them to their advantage. Furthermore, both English-Lueck and Montior agreed in principle that these technological enhancements make work, family management, and, most of all, communication more efficient and that these technological trends will continue in the future.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Parley and Parlay

Parley and Parlay Parley and Parlay Parley and Parlay By Maeve Maddox Suzanne Raymer has suggested a post on parley versus parlay. Both words may be used as either noun or verb. As a noun, parley can mean speech or conversation. Its most common use is to mean speech between opposing sides, a conference with an enemy to discuss terms. As a verb it means to discuss terms, or hold discussion with. Parlay is a betting term. As a noun, it means a cumulative series of bets. The winnings of subsequent bets are bet again. As the bettor continues to win, the gains continue to increase. As a verb, parlay means to use the winnings from a previous bet to make another bet. Parley [prlÄ“] is from French parler, to speak. Parlay [prlÄ ] comes from French parole which comes from Italian parole, words, promises. Parlay entered English in 1701 as a term in the card game faro. The gambling term took on the meaning to exploit to advantage in 1942. Uses of parlay: David Lusterman parlayed a $10000 investment into a company with $1.2 million in revenues Witness Bill Blount parlayed political skills into a mega-dollar business She parlayed a $350 investment into a multi-million dollar business†¦ Uses of parley: Governors seek fresh parley with teachers German politicians plan June parley with Hamas minister For the moment they are parleying with the kings brother-in-law Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Slang Terms for MoneyConnotations of 35 Words for Funny People20 Criminal Terms You Should Know

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

3 Ways To Increase the Pressure of a Gas

3 Ways To Increase the Pressure of a Gas One common science homework question is to list 3 ways to increase the  pressure of a gas container or a balloon. This is an excellent question because answering it helps you understand what pressure is and how gases behave. What Is Pressure? Pressure is the amount of force exerted over a unit of area. P F/A Pressure Force divided by Area As you can see from looking at the equation, two ways to increase pressure are to increase the amount of force or decrease the area over which it is exerted. How exactly do you do that? Thats where the Ideal Gas Law comes into play. Pressure and the Ideal Gas Law At low (ordinary) pressures, real gases behave like ideal gases, so you can use the Ideal Gas Law to determine how to increase the pressure of a system. The Ideal Gas Law states: PV nRT Where P is pressure, V is volume, n is the number of moles of a gas, R is Boltzmanns constant, and T is temperature If we solve for P: P (nRT)/V Three Ways to Increase the Pressure of a Gas Increase the amount of gas. This is represented by the n in the equation. Adding more molecules of a gas increases the number of collisions between the molecules and the walls of the container. This raises pressure.Increase the temperature of the gas. This is represented by T in the equation. Increasing temperature adds energy to the gas molecules, increasing their motion and, again, increasing collisions.Decrease the volume of the gas. This is the V in the equation. By their very nature, gases can be compressed, so if the same gas can be put into a smaller container, it will exert a higher pressure. The gas molecules will be forced closer to each other, increasing collisions (force) and pressure.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Reading and Studying Literature - Compare and Contrast Essay

Reading and Studying Literature - Compare and Contrast - Essay Example Wordsworth’s extract from the Prelude, and de Quincey’s extract from Confessions of an English Opium Eater have one feature in common: they both demonstrate a truly romantic sensibility. Beyond this central similarity, however, there are some major differences such as genre, national/international perspective, and proposed levels of social and moral behaviour which the â€Å"autobiographer† persona claims to embody. The Romantic movement was essentially a continental European phenomenon when it first emerged, through the works in French and German by writers such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(1749-1832). In Britain it flourished in literature first, and then later spread to music and other arts. It is seen in connection with some important developments in European history such as the Enlightenment, with its emphasis on scientific discovery, and the use of logic and reason to make sense of the world, and the Industrial Revolut ion, which saw a widespread move of populations from rural areas to the cities in search of work in factories which had begun to spring up. The French Revolution of 1789 was evidence of great changes in political understanding also. In some ways the Romantic movement was a reaction to these seismic events: a key characteristic of this period is that writers began to focus on â€Å"the powers and terrors of the inner imaginative life† (Watson, in Watson and Towheed, 2011, p. 3) In the Wordsworth text, the power of the inner imaginative life of the author is presented as something positive, sweet and pleasant, citing â€Å"visionary things, and lovely forms/And sweet sensations†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Wordsworth, ll. 61-62). He speaks of the power of his own former years, (Wordsworth, l. 51) and depicts the task of capturing them in writing as a form of â€Å"honourable toil† (Wordsworth, l. 53). Wordsworth’s early life is presented as an idyllic scene, painted for the re ader under a shining sun, evoking strong emotions for their edification and enjoyment, in a timeless English countryside. De Quincey also aims to arouse the emotions of the reader, but in his text the emotions that he evokes are somewhat more extreme, and tinged with danger and excitement, since he mentions for example that be might â€Å"shock† his readers with the revelations that are to come. Both personas are presented as something out of the ordinary, in order to captivate the interest of the reader, and this also is a feature of the Romantic sensibility: â€Å"The idea of the writer as an original genius, an exceptional man ahead of his time, possessed by inexplicable, spontaneous, visionary inspiration, first became dominant in the Romantic period.† (Watson, in Watson and Towheed, 2011, p. 7) Both men introduce themselves to the reader as older, wiser individuals who have retired from their busy life to devote themselves to inner contemplation and recording thei r innermost thoughts about their own experiences. Wordsworth displays his academic credentials through lofty abstract terms such as â€Å"inquiry† (l. 55), â€Å"knowledge† (l. 57), and â€Å"judgements† (L. 59) while de Quincey finds it necessary to spell out the fact that he has been reading various very academic writers, and that he is â€Å"

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Identifying a Researchable Problem Research Paper

Identifying a Researchable Problem - Research Paper Example During physical activity, the body uses more oxygen than when one is passive. Regular physical activity will therefore lead the body to adapt to providing more and more oxygen into the blood stream. Reports by various scholars point out to the fact that children with reduced mobility have been diagnosed with asthma more than their highly mobile counterparts (Daniels, 2006). This revelation, combined with the fact that sometimes asthma is also common among obese children point out to the possibility that asthma may indeed be controlled through physical activity. This is because physical activity eventually makes the body to adapt to the increased intake of oxygen by developing mechanism which allows increased oxidation of blood. Such mechanism is postulated to be capable of limiting chances of alveoli constriction ad therefore greatly reduce the chances of asthma. Amongst the adolescents, increased physical activity may be seen as one possible way through which asthma may be contained . Statement of General Aims and Objectives The aim of the proposed study is to find out the connection between the role of physical activity and human health. From the fact that the human body usually adapts to conditions around it, this study shall aim at finding out the extent to which teenagers adaption to physical activity may reduce the chances of asthmatic attack for those who are already asthmatic. The paper shall focus on the role of physical activity in treating asthmatic ad related conditions in adolescents. The study shall also focus on what short term benefits physical activity may offer to asthmatic adolescents. The study shall assume that learned physical activity will go a long way to assist adolescents develop healthy lifestyles in their adult lives. Research Questions: Using PICO Model The study shall be conducted based on the guidance from the following research questions: 1. To what extent can asthmatic conditions be attributed to lifestyle? 2. Are adolescents who are less active physically likely to have health complications than their active counterparts? 3. What is the connection between patient diagnosed with asthma and physical mobility? 4. Can increased physical activity reduce the chances of asthmatic attack? 5. Do asthmatic adolescent who are engaged in physical activity show more progress towards recovery from asthmatic attacks? From the research questions, the study shall be conducted under the following hypotheses 1. Asthmatic condition in adolescents are majorly attributed to lifestyles 2. Adolescents who are less active physically are likely to have health complications than their active counterparts 3. Many patients diagnosed with asthma are usually physically inactive 4. Improved physical activity reduces the chances of frequent asthmatic attacks 5. Asthmatic adolescent who are engaged in physical activity are more likely to show more progress towards recovery from asthmatic attacks than those who are passive? Methods The stud y shall aim at working with adolescents. There shall be a need to seek approval from the school and parents from the sample that shall volunteer for the study. Much focus will be based on those adolescents who are already asthmatic. This will especially be so in order that a comparison shall be made possible. For reliability, rather than numbers, the study shall focus on different schools. It is anticipated that the target sample

Thursday, October 31, 2019

British Airways Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

British Airways - Essay Example The company also improves its efficiency by lessening the day its pays off its suppliers and collects from its customers. An investor is most likely be attracted by the escalating share price of British Airways but be put off by the 0 dividend yield. Profitability ratios measure the ability of the company to generate income from its investments less the costs incurred. The computed operating profit margin, which is the ratio of operating income to sales measures as a percentage of sales, the excess revenue from sales over cost of normal operation excluding financing. Net profit margin, on the other hand, is the ratio of net income to sales. Return on common equity (ROCE) is a variant of return on investment. The return on common equity assesses the rate of return on the investments of common stockholders in the company (Analyzing Company Reports 2005). Another ratio is the turnover ratio which shows to what the extent the company uses its assets to produce revenue. Logically, higher profitability ratios indicate a healthier financial condition. Table 1 shows the computed profitability ratios of British Airways in 2006. In order to fully asses the profitability of British Airways in 2006, the company's profitability ratios for 2005 are also included. ... During 2006, the airline is able to turn 8.3% of its revenue in operating profit and 5.5% into net income from the 7.20% and 5.0% recorded in the previous year, respectively. It should be noted that operation in the airline industry requires incurring huge operating costs which could justify the relatively low percentages. However, compared to its competitors like Ryaniar Ltd and Thomsonfly Ltd, British Airways lags far behind. In term of asset turnover and return on equity, British Airways is in a downslide. It can be recalled that the main goal of a business organisation is the maximization of stockholder value which is reflected on its return on equity. British Airways declining ROCE indicates its deviation from this goal. From the point of view of investors, British Airways appears to be mediocre investment relative to its competitors. This is also true for creditors who look at the profitability of a business organisation to assess its paying capacity. For managers, this can signal the company to check its management of cost and other disbursements. Financial Leverage Ratios Financial leverage ratios provide an indication of the long-term solvency of the firm. They indicate the extent of non-owner claims on the firm's profits as well as the firm's operating capability to meet its obligation. Gearing is the long-term debt to equity ratio which assesses the balance between liabilities and equity in the firm's long term resource structure. Another is the interest coverage ratio which measures the extent to which earnings cover the interest obligation of the company (Thomson 2002, p. C-6). Table 2 Table 2 shows the financial leverage ratios which reveal the capital structure of British Airways. The debt-to-assets and debt-to-equity ratios

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Benefits and Negatives of Bankruptcy Essay Example for Free

Benefits and Negatives of Bankruptcy Essay Bankruptcy is briefly defined as a process in which debtor obtains relief from his/her debts through the court. The relief varies in form and it includes full partial discharge of the debt or the nuisance of an imbursement plan consistent with the debtor’s financial means. (Larson, 2000) Types of bankruptcy vary according to its function. One of the most common types of bankruptcy is â€Å"Chapter 7† or â€Å"Straight Bankruptcy† or â€Å"Liquidation. † This is also known as Personal Bankruptcy. Another is â€Å"Chapter 11†, which is primarily used by businesses. There is also â€Å"Chapter 13† or â€Å"Wage-Earner Bankruptcy. † Finally, â€Å"Chapter 20† bankruptcy is the process of filing of a â€Å"Chapter 7† bankruptcy to discharge unsecured debts, followed by â€Å"Chapter 13. † (Larson, 2000) Because of the robberies and troubles with the call center, the call center might file bankruptcy, in which it has already owed the firm over $40,000,000. In this case, we are in tasked of finding the consequences of the call center filing bankruptcy. What are the benefits and negatives if the call center will file bankruptcy? Brown and Seeyle emphasized that bankruptcy is neither a personal nor an emotional decision. Rather, it is a financial decision based on the amount of debt and the present ability to repay debts. When the expected time period of repayment exceeds the time it would take to rebuild credit, just like in the call center’s case, then it is the time to consider bankruptcy. At this place in time, the call center has accumulated more debt than they can be able to repay in the near future. The call center will possibly benefit greatly from filing bankruptcy. This will be debt-free start. By filing bankruptcy, the call center has the chance to rebuild and re-establish their credit in line with the law. (Brown Seelye, 2008) Meanwhile, there is a widely held misconception of Bankruptcy in which Ben Franklin from Franklin Debt Relief explained, wherein â€Å"it’s the debtor’s version of the â€Å"get out of jail free† card in Monopoly. † Most people know that bankruptcy affects credits for 7-10 years; little did they know that they may have to pay back the debt anyway. Franklin stated the formal definition of bankruptcy as â€Å"a proceeding in federal court in which an insolvent debtor’s assets are liquidated and the debtor is relieved of further liability. † It may also come out as â€Å"the process of completing your debts for free. † (Franklin, 2008) In this manner, the call center, even with bankruptcy, still have to pay back portion of the debt. The call center, in any circumstances, may avoid filing bankruptcy. The most possible solution is that the Call center’s assets be sold to earn sufficient funds and later pay the firm. However, if the firm may prove that the call center has intentions of not paying the firm, then it’s the best way for the call center not to file bankruptcy. The call center will still have to pay the firm back. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy or straight bankruptcy, a popular form of bankruptcy, permits the defaulter to start all over again. This is generally filed by those who have not any enough funds to pay for their debt. If the call center has no hope in paying their debts to the law firm, then they should file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. However, this may ruin their credits and they will still be responsible for their debt. They will also pay attorneys who will work in the case. In this case, the call center may consider filing Chapter 13. As for chapter 13, it is the reorganization of an individual consumers debt with a new payment schedule. If the call center has assets they want to protect Chapter 13 is another way. However, Chapter 13 ruins the credit. It will remain on the call center’s credit for up to 10 years. The call center, on another point, may have to consider credit counseling or a debt management agency. References Brown Seelye. The Decision to File. Washington State Law Firm. Retrieved February 1, 2008, from http://www. brownandseelye. com/bankruptcy375/thedecisiontofile. html Franklin, Ben. Avoiding Bankruptcy Franklin Debt Relief. Retrieve February 1, 2008, from http://www. franklindebtrelief. com/avoid-bankruptcy. html Larson, Aaron. (2000). Bankruptcy Law – An Overview. Law Offices of Aaron Larson. Retrieved February 1, 2008, from http://www. expertlaw. com/library/bankruptcy/bankruptcy. html Chapter 13 and 7 Bankruptcies. American Bankruptcy Courts. Retrieved February 3, 2008, from http://www. bankruptcy-courts. net. /chapter-13. html

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Customer Satisfaction in Shopping Centre

Customer Satisfaction in Shopping Centre In the previous chapter, secondary data such as books, journals and online journals are used to conduct the literature review. In this chapter, primary data is collected through the case study. This chapter will cover the research framework consists of research purpose, research method, sampling method, research instrument and information collected from the case study. The analysis of the data is discussed in the next chapter. This case study is conducted for the purpose of investigating the level of customer satisfaction of the local customers towards the performance of a shopping centre. Mid valley megamall is chosen as the subject in case study. The time frame for the whole research is 1 month. RESEARCH FRAMEWORK: First of all, the measurement objectives must be specified in order to simplify the research process. Basically, there are four types of customer satisfaction survey which is based on the measurement objectives of the research (Vavra, 2002). Since this research is used to investigate the level of performance of a shopping centre from the customers satisfaction in general, thus, it is known as overall status survey. According to Vavra, overall status survey is emphasized more on the general issues, overall performance, and overall customers satisfaction. (2002). RESEARCH METHOD AND PURPOSE: This research is conducted using quantitative research method. From the customer satisfaction survey, the research information collected from the sample is the primary data. The aim of this study is to investigate the level of customers satisfaction in a shopping centre, to identify the actual need of customers through the distribution of questionnaires to the sample and to clarify whether the performance meet the customers expectations. POPULATION AND SAMPLING METHOD: Sampling method is a method of choosing a group of peoples from the entire target population in order to obtain the required information. Basically, there are two types of sampling designs: probability and non-probability. This research has adopted non probability sampling technique which is most suitable for a widely dispersed population such as the customers of Mid Valley Megamall. It is impossible to use the probability sampling method for this research due to the difficulty in identifies the target populations as it is too large for research. The sample is selected to estimate the gross results because less cost and time required and the sample is easily obtained while compared with the probability sampling technique. The target populations for this research are the Malaysian customers of Mid Valley Megamall and the sample is limited to adult from 18 to 50 years old. This sample is chosen because these groups of person visit the shopping mall more frequently than other demographic profile. The sample size of 100 customers ranged from 18 to 50 years old is considered as representative of Malaysian customers of Mid Valley Megamall. DESIGN OF QUESTIONNAIRE: Questionnaire is used as research instrument for this study. The questionnaires are prepared according to the objectives which set up at the beginning. In order to obtain better response from the sample, the questionnaires are designed to be simple and easy to be understood. If the length of the questionnaires is too long, it will affect the rate of response. According to Vavra, there are four types of question can be collected, namely facts, attitudes, prediction behavior and demographics. (2002). Diversified types of question are more interesting for the customers. The questionnaire consists of three sections. The first section is about the demographic profile of the respondent. The objective is to know the respondents background. The second section is about the general information regarding the relationship between the respondents and the shopping mall. Besides, it is used to identify the actual need of the customers. The third section is about the investigation on the level of satisfaction of the customers from the sample chosen towards the location, product performance, staff, building layout, infrastructure and facilities provided in the shopping mall. This section is important in determine whether the shopping mall meet the requirements of the customers. Furthermore, it includes the recommendations from the customers in order to help the shopping mall to enhance their performance in the future. SCALE: For the questionnaire, every question has its own response options such as open-ended response and close-ended response. Open-ended questions require the opinions of the customers regarding the overall performance of the shopping mall. Close-ended questions are more efficient and quantifiable because it consists of numeric scales which used by the customers to express their feelings in a simple way. The scale is known as Likert Scale. The 5-point numerical scale is adopted which ranging from 1 to 5, 1 represents not satisfied, 2 represents somewhat dissatisfied, 3 represents neither satisfied or dissatisfied, 4 represents somewhat satisfied and 5 represents strongly satisfied. The scale help the respondents to make a clear decision based on their level of satisfaction. DISTRIBUTION METHOD: Distribution method also known as field method and it defined as the way used by the interviewer to distribute the questionnaires to the sample. The questionnaires in research are distributed to the customers personally at the Mid Valley Megamall and at the same time they return the questionnaires. CASE STUDY: MID VALLEY MEGAMALL: BACKGROUND: Mid Valley Megamall is one of the Malaysias largest urban development projects in the world. It was one of the projects inside the Mid Valley City. Mid Valley City desires to be the most modern and integrated mixed-use developments in the world. The construction starts in year 1995. At present, it comprises Mid Valley Megamall, Cititel Hotel, Menara IGB, Boulevard Offices, Boulevard Hotel, Northpoint Mid Valley City, Centrepoint North and South Towers, The Gardens Retail Gallery, The Gardens Hotel, The Gardens Residences and two landmark office towers. IGB Corporation Berhad, a property and investment holding company listed on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad is the developer of Mid Valley City while the Mid Valley Megamall is owned and operated by Kris Assets Holdings Berhad, a listed IGB subsidiary company. A two dimension master plan of Mid Valley City is enclosed in appendix. DESCRIPTIONS OF MID VALLEY MEGAMALL: Mid Valley Megamall is selected for the case study. Mid Valley Megamall is launched in year 1995 and it was opened in November 1999. Mid Valley Megamall is a complex consists of a shopping mall, an office tower block, 30 signature offices and two hotels. It is the first shopping mall comprises four successful anchor tenants, namely Jaya Jusco, Metrojaya, Carrefour and Golden Screen Cinemas. Besides, it comprises 13 junior and mini anchors and 403 specialty shops. Mid Valley Megamall has a gross floor area of 4.5 million square feet and net lettable area exceeds 1.7 million square feet. Mid Valley City is planned and developed as a City in a CityMid Valley Megamall is a key part of Mid Valley City. It was awarded the Best Shopping Complex Award 2000 by Tourism Malaysia and Best Retail Development Award 2001 by FIABCI Malaysia (International Real Estate Federation). Mid Valley Megamall is a good choice for the local residents and foreign tourists. MISSION AND VISION: Mid Valley Megamall is aimed to fulfilling everyones needs. In order to achieve the mission, the highly energetic and talented professionals are appointed in departments. In fact, Mid Valley Megamall emphasizes on their service standard and it wishes to create a modern and stylish shopping paradise for their customers. As long as the customers are in the Mid Valley Megamall, they will make sure everyone enjoy the services and products provided. Besides, Mid Valley Megamall aims to maintain the growth of the shopping mall in the competitive retail industry. FACTORS INFLUENCE THE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY: Mid Valley Megamall is strategically located between Kuala Lumpur Central Business District and Petaling Jaya. It is located in a convenient location that can be easily accessible from all corners on the Klang Valley. Besides it is surrounded by Petaling Jaya, Bangsar and Damansara. There is a KTM Komuter train-stop and a LRT Station nearby while taxis are available at the entrances of Centre, North and South Courts. The KTM commuter station can be accessed through a covered pedestrian bridge to the Megamall. Its believed to bring an average of 10,000 passengers each day. The station is disable-friendly, and facilities comprise toilets, lifts, covered platforms, ticket and information counters and ticket vending machines. Furthermore, Mid Valley has offers free complimentary shutter bus services (Trinton Bus) at an interval of 30 minutes to 1 hour that travel between Bangsar LRT Station and Mid Valley South Court. Other option of transportation is the public transport available. Mid Valley Megamall can be accessed through five major highways and two railway lines. In the future, the improvement of road and public transportation will be done. It includes a designated monorail station, a link bridge to the Putra LRT Station and the upgrading of internal traffic flow. Being located in between Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya, an amount of RM250 million was invested in constructing a flyover and enhance the network of road for the purpose to connect the Federal Highway and all the major catchment and residential suburbs or businesses premises within Klang Valley to Mid Valley Megamall. The location plan is enclosed in appendix X. Meanwhile, the location of the department stores is also very important for the convenient of the customers. NFRASTRUCTURES AND FACILITIES: Mid Valley consists of four entrances located at the direction of east, south, north and west respectively. Information Counters are available in Centre, North and South Court at ground floor. They are willing to assist those customers by showing a helpful attitude. In terms of car parking, Mid Valley is provided 4000 car parks in order to cater the need of high crowd during peak hours. Effective from 5 May 2008, the basement car parks of Mid Valley Megamall The Gardens Mall were separated where the car parks for Mid Valley Megamall are zones A and C. The exact location of the parking area is shown in the plan enclosed in appendix. Besides, Mid Valley Megamall also provides washrooms and baby changing facilities. The washrooms provided for the benefit of all the customers while the baby changing facilities are provided for the benefit of a mother. In addition, Mid Valley Megamall is comprises five lifts which enable the customers to travel from floor to floor. Escalators also available at East, South and North Court and there are two travelators that connecting the lower ground floor with basement which is very convenient for the customers. A proper floor plan is enclosed in appendix for further clarification of the exact location for the facilities and infrastructures. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: Mid Valley consists of five floors where each floor is specifying for certain products and services. Lower ground floor is for daily essentials such as hypermarket, supermarket, pharmacies and money-changers. Besides, this floor is providing a numerous fast food outlet and local delights. Ground floor is mainly for the adults which include the apparel, footwear, accessories, beauty care, health care, bookstore and others essential items that fulfill the desires of an adult. First floor is the paradise for a kid, which include the fashion for kids, beauty and hair saloons for the adults. Second floor is specialized for those who wish to decorate their house. Besides, IT Centre is also available in this floor to cater the need of young generation in the ever changing technology of the world. Third floor is for entertainment such as Golden Screen Cinemas, Mid Valley Exhibition Centre, Pets Wonderland, Cosmic Bowl, Megakidz and a food court. Besides the products, the proper display area also being taken into consideration in order to be easily accessible by the customer. Mid valley is able to stimulate customers to spend more time and money in Mid Valley through the visual display merchandising. The store directory: PERFORMANCE MONITORING IN A SHOPPING CENTER BASED ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION CHAPTER THREE: Anchors. Accessories. Apparel. Discounters. Entertainment. Exhibition/ Property Showroom. Food and Beverage. Health/ Personal Care. Houseware and Furnishings. Information Technology. Jewellery. Leisure. Luggage. Shoes and Bags. Sporting Goods and Apparel. Sundry and Services. Tailoring. Textile. Watches and Pens. PERFORMANCE MONITORING IN A SHOPPING CENTER BASED ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION CHAPTER THREE: Mid Valley Megamall also provides certain services for the convenience of the customers. The services provided: PERFORMANCE MONITORING IN A SHOPPING CENTER BASED ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION CHAPTER THREE: ATMs. Banks. Cobbler. Laundrette. Money Changers. Post Office. Alteration Shop. Clinic. Dentist. Locksmith. Newstands. Print Shop. PERFORMANCE MONITORING IN A SHOPPING CENTER BASED ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION CHAPTER THREE: STAFF: In addition, Mid Valley Megamall is continually investing in a comprehensive staff training and skills development programme which aimed at improving both the soft and hard skills of the staff and enable them to perform their responsibilities in a right manner. The quality and attitude of the staffs will be indirectly affecting the level of customer satisfaction towards Mid Valley Megamall. The important qualities of the staffs are friendliness, helpfulness, communication skill and responsiveness. BUILDING LAYOUT: Challenge of the management team of Mid Valley Megamall is to ensure the customers willing to visit Mid Valley Megamall repeatedly. Mid Valley Megamall is a customer-centric shopping centre which offers best and wide range of services. It is operated by an experienced team of industry experts to ensure the innovative marketing and leasing initiatives. Besides, Mid Valley Megamall was invested over millions in comprehensive store renovation and upgrading activities in order to improve and enhance the malls environment. In terms of marketing, Mid Valley Megamall has planned the promotion aggressively with the mission to provide the delightful shopping experience to the shoppers. In order to bring excitement and hour of enjoyment to the shoppers, visual merchandising are used in creating a unique atmosphere for the public and enhance the competitiveness of Mid Valley Megamall. The marketing and promotional activities are supported by themed and strong-concept in-house events throughout the mall such as Mid Valley Megamall Fashion Week 2009 which introduce the hottest spring or summer collections through the fabulous design and chic runway shows. This show is designated for the fashion lover. During different festivals such as Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Merry Christmas celebration, Mid Valley Megamall will decorate the centre court into atmosphere with unique and attractive theme. Mid Valley Megamall was the only shopping mall in Asia that achieved international recognition in MAXI Awards ceremony held in Hollywood last year. This award is organized by International Council of Shopping Centres. For the Hari Raya celebration 2008, Mid Valley Megamall themed as Cherish The Good Old Days in a Brand New Way that create a harmony atmosphere. This unique theme help Mid Valley Megamall won in the Visual Merchandising category of the MAXI Award. SUMMARY: This chapter has discussed about the research process which include the research framework, research method and purpose, population of questionnaire, the scale for the questions and distributing method. A case study in Mid Valley Megamall has been discussed in this chapter; it includes the background, description, mission and vision of Mid Valley Megamall. Furthermore, the factors that influences the customer satisfaction being discussed for the case study of Mid Valley Megamall. The factors are location and accessibility, infrastructure and facilities, product and services, staff and building layout.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free Hamlet Essays: The Naivete of Hamlet :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays

The Naivete of Hamlet Keeping secrets keep you isolated from your friends and make you very lonely. Hamlet’s loneliness, false friends, and betrayals cause his downfall to a great extent. The court of Denmark is filled with spies: Claudius hires Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, to spy on Hamlet; Polonius spies on Hamlet in Gertrude’s bedchamber; Polonius uses Ophelia as bait to spy on Hamlet. Hamlet is not a part of this deceit; he is honest. For example, Claudius suggests Hamlet is honest when he and Laertes are discussing their dual scheme; Ophelia believes Hamlet is honest and says, "What a noble mind here is o’erthrown!" (III; i; 157), referring to Hamlet’s antic disposition, even though he has been insulting her for two previous acts. His relationship with Horatio shows his true character, because of how much he trusts him. ("Horatio, thou art e’en as just a man as e’er my conversation coped withal" --III; ii; 59). Someone who is naïve is often taken adv antage of in a hard, cold, deceitful world. Having your stepfather get your best friends to spy on you must make you feel horrible. When Claudius hires Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (R&G) to spy on Hamlet, I entreat you both†¦/†¦/ so by your companies To draw him on to pleasures, and to gather, So much as from occasion you may glean, Whether aught to us unknown afflicts him thus That opened lies within our remedy. (II; ii; 10-18) they confess to Hamlet that they were sent to spy on him. Hamlet shows this by saying, "Nay then I have an eye of you. –If you love me, hold not off." (II; ii; 301). It is as though he were saying to them, ‘If you were really my friends, then you should tell me why you are so interested in everything I do.’ He later takes revenge on his friends, who are sent to spy on him when he is being sent to England. He opens the letter to the English government, and changes ‘kill my crazy son Hamlet’ to ‘kill these messengers’, and seals the letter back up with his fathers’ ring: Without debatement further more or less, He should those bearers put to sudden death, Not shriving time allowed/†¦/ I had my fathers signet in my purse, Which was the model of the Danish seal†¦. (V; ii: 45-50) Curiosity killed the cat. Polonius’ spying on Hamlet is what kills him.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How Work Affects Family Life Essay

Today, the term â€Å"family† is difficult to define. All families are unique, and they can range anywhere from single parent families to extended families. Most importantly though, it is in the family where the next generation is being built. Parents must provide security and support for their children, and they need to be prepared for the challenges of balancing work and family in today’s society. In traditional families, there was a mother, a father and their resulting children. The father would most often be the earner of the family, and the mother would stay at home and take care of the children. Things have changed considerably in the twenty-first century. Now there are more dual-income families, single-parent families, and there are many more women in the labour force. This poses a great change to family life, and many parents are working a â€Å"double day†. They have their regular full time jobs where they earn an income, and then they have to come home to more work such as cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping. Like all systems and interactions, conflict arises between work and family issues. This issue causes conflict for every member of the family, and they need to discover ways to resolve this conflict. According to the feminist theory, â€Å"gender is basic to all social structures and organizations†. (Eshleman & Wilson, 2001:23). Obviously, it is also basic to the conflicts of work and family life. Today, both men and women must go to work to support their families, but it is usually the woman who has to come home and do the cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping, while her husband plays with the kids or watches television in the living room. This is definitely a concern that needs to be addressed, and although there have been some improvements in this area, much more can still be done. More improvements have also been made by employers, unions and the government to benefit families who have full time jobs. Although, they have made steps towards improving this dilemma, there are still many issues that need to be dealt with. The social conflict theory states that â€Å"conflict is natural and inevitable in all human interaction† (Eshleman & Wilson, 2001:15). It is not seen as a negative theory, it just calls for people to be aware that conflict will arise, and that they need to come up with solutions to these struggles. This is no different in the family. Today’s families have to deal with tension on the macro level and the micro level. Work and employment affect both the  macro and micro elements of the family. More and more varieties of families are coming about, such as dual-income families, single-parent families, and families who take care of their children as well as their parents. These people face tribulations everyday of their lives while trying to juggle work and their family. Mostly in dual-income families, and single-parent families, people are performing a â€Å"double day†. According to Eshleman and Wilson (2001), the double day, or second shift, refers to the combina tion of paid and unpaid work most people do. The family member earning the income â€Å"often feels stress and encounters difficulties trying to meet their responsibilities as family members and as employees† (Coates, 1991:1). This affects their performance at work and at home. They are caught in the middle between having to work to support the family, and wanting to create a good environment for their family to grow in. Society tells these parents that â€Å"they are bad [parents] if they don’t go to the school play and bad employees if they do go and take time off from work† (Denholtz, 2000:91). The children or elderly people in the head of the household’s care also suffer from the work/family conflict. Children are often raised by other people other than their own parents, such as nannies, teachers, other relatives or day care workers. Many children must learn to grow up a lot quicker than they would normally have to if their parents were always around which could be good in some cases, but not so good in others. Every member of the family must have a role, and know that role. Partners must discuss who will do the dishes that night, and who will take the children to baseball practice. Children must also help out with household chores, and take some responsibility for themselves. If all members of the family can come to a specific agreement, and implement a good plan to satisfy everyone, work and family can be managed. All that is needed are the right attitudes and resources. Several couples in Crysdale’s study of working class people in downtown Toronto said that they manage trouble at work by leaving it at the door when they come home (1991:103). There was not always an issue between family life and work. Typically, the only women who would work were young, single females with no other obligations. Married women would stay home with their children, do all the  housework and make sure supper was on the table for their husbands when they came home from work. The predicament between work and family arose when women began participating more in the labour force during and after World War I. Their involvement in the labour force has steadily increased since the beginning of the twentieth century, while men’s participation has decreased. According to Eshleman and Wilson (2001), 16.2 percent of women over the age of fifteen were employed in 1911, and approximately 60 percent of women are employed today. So in under a century the number of women working has almost quadrupled. There are many different reasons explaining why more and more women are joining the work force. It basically first started during World War II, because there was a great need for workers in factories, stores, etc., and the men were off fighting in the war. Therefore, the women had to join the labour force, and after the war, when they could leave their jobs, many women chose to stay instead of becoming a housewife once again. In the 1960’s, there was a women’s liberation movement, and this time period was the most significant change in women’s roles. Wives and mothers wanted to be free from the constraints placed on them in the home, so many of them decided to go to work. Prior to this, mainly single women were working for pay, but since then the gap between single and married women has decreased. Also, there has been an increase in the number of blended families, common-law relationships, and single-parent families which forces most members of these families to find paid work in order to financially support their family. Most single parents must go to work to provide for the family because they have no help from the mother or father of their children. Altogether, many different circumstances have led to the increa sed problems between work and family life. As we can see, as women gained a more significant role in the labour force, and as different types of families arose such as single-parent families, the conflicts also increased. When Eshleman and Wilson are explaining the feminist theory they ask the question, â€Å"What about women?† Their answers to this question are: Based on the ideas that the experiences of women are different from those of men, are unequal (less privileged) to those of men, and are actively  oppressed (restrained, subordinated, used and abused) by men. (p. 23) This definition works perfectly into the dilemma between men and women’s roles in the family and in the work force. We must always consider women and gender when making assumptions about the family and work because they are inseparable issues. Even with the intense changes that have taken place in the family structure and the workforce, there is still the general idea that a woman’s first and foremost responsibility is in the home, even when she is engaged in work outside of the home. Women workers experience much more stress and difficulty in balancing work and home than men do, because they â€Å"tend to bear a disproportionate share of household tasks and family responsibilities† (Coates, 1991:8). Coates (1991) listed some important statistics from a survey by the Conference of Canada in his article. He concluded that women reported spending an average of 16.5 hours per week on ‘home maintenance’ compared to 9.8 hours by men. Three-quarters of the women reported that they had the majority of responsibility for making child arrangements compared to 4.1 percent of men, and women were almost four times as likely to stay home with their children when they were sick. Basically, the work and family issue has been viewed only as a woman issue, which creates problems between husband-wife families. This is a micro example of the social conflict theory. Work creates conflict within the family between the husband and the wife, in deciding who will perform what tasks within the family. More recently, men have been accepting larger responsibilities within the family â€Å"either through choice, or necessity in their role as a single parent in the paid workforce†. The gaps between men and women’s responsibilities in the home are decreasing, but there is much more to be done about this matter. Child care is the largest concern parents have when it comes to their family and their work. There are many options available for parents when it comes to childcare, such as daycare, nannies, relatives, babysitters, and schools, although it is not that easy. Some families cannot afford daycare or nannies; some do not have families they can rely on for childcare and some parents’ work schedules do not accommodate babysitter’s hours. The age of  the child is another factor that has to be considered when planning on childcare. If the child is an infant, one of the parents usually has to be with them all day, and not all employers offer maternity or paternity leave. When the child is a toddler, they have not yet reached the age that would allow them to be in school from nine o’clock until three o’clock, so they still need someone in their care for the entire day. When the child reaches the school years, there are still a few hours before and after school that needs to be taken into account. After the child has reached an age in which he/she is able to take care of themselves, transportation between school, home and extracurricular activities comes into account. All of these factors contribute to the hardships parents face when trying to balance work and family life. Aside from the family, corporations and employers need to address the problems of stress placed on their employees while trying to manage between work and home. This incorporates the macro level of the social conflict theory. Fernandez states that: There is a high correlation not only between missed work and caring for a sick child, but also caring for a sick child and leaving work early, coming in late, dealing with family issues during working hours, and on-and-off-the-job-stress. As the families continue to grow and change, the companies need to implement a vast range of improvements in order to reduce the great demands of parenting and work. This will not only help the parents out with their family, but it will create a less stressful environment for all of the employees, and therefore, it will improve the company. Many companies have already taken certain steps in doing this, but there is still much more that can be done. One suggestion is job-sharing, which is â€Å"a form of part-time working wherein two people choose to share the salary, benefits and responsibilities of one full-time job† (McRae, 1989:16). This benefits parents who want to maintain paid work and also want to be at home with their children. Homeworking is another example, and it is when a person takes on paid work from the home. This has become increasingly easier to  manage with new technologies such as the Internet. Shift work would also help to balance out the time between work and the family. The shifts could correspond with the hours that the children are in bed, or are at school, which allows the worker to spend more time with their family. More steps need to be taken in this area, such as on-site day care, paid leave to attend to a sick child or family issue, and included day-care costs. We have reached a point in society when it is time to come to a compromise between work and family life, and flexibility needs to be offered whenever it is needed. In all, families have changed a great deal in the last century, and we need to keep up with these changes and offer new suggestions towards improving family life. Work places a great demand on all families, including dual-income families, single-parent families, blended families, and extended families. Parents are struggling everyday with the conflict between work and family life. It works in a viscous circle, because families need money to support their families, but at the same time they need a lot of extra time to spend with their families. The burden is placed more on women than it is on men, because taking care of the household is still seen as the â€Å"woman’s job†, even if she is engaged in paid work. Men need to start doing their equal share around the house to make it easier on the demands of the woman. More steps need to be taken in child care facilities, because that is the main problem working parents face today. Companies must implement new plans in order to meet the needs of their workers. Altogether, it has been an ongoing battle for parents who are trying to balance between work and family life, and as the family continues to grow and change so must the laws behind flexible work hours, day care, and permissible absence for family issues.