Wednesday, May 6, 2020

America s Need For Black Gold - 1221 Words

Joseph Brickey Elizabeth Hantack Pre-AP English II 24 February 2017 America’s Need for Black Gold In 1973, in the wake of conflict in the Middle East, US drivers were feeling the repercussions with every gallon of gasoline and oil that they consumed. The members of OPEC placed an oil embargo on the US and several other nations because of their aid to the Israeli military. This embargo greatly pressured the US, who was highly dependent on foreign oil. In the aftermath of this crisis, President Nixon called for the increased energy production to avoid this problem in the future. Yet, in this present day, the United States faces a similar, although not as extreme, situation. Measures must be made to make the United States energy independent.†¦show more content†¦As of 2015, US natural gas proved reserves totalled 324.3 tcfg. The US produces 28.8 mmcfg (million million cubic feet of gas) each year (4). With unrestricted drilling of new sites, totalling 723 tcfg, the US could significantly increase its natural gas production per year in th e next 10-20 years (5). Body Paragraph 2 Domestic Production would create many jobs for citizens in rural communities Construction, alone, of the Keystone Pipeline will generate 42,000 jobs (2). As of January 2017, US oil and natural gas companies have employed 177,000 to produce, refine, and distribute oil products. By 2024, experts project the number to rise to 220,000, an almost 25% increase. Oil and natural gas companies hoping to drill unconfirmed sites in the United States will need to employ more and more people. (6). Hydrofracking and drilling are dangerous practices that could endanger the environment and workers. The US Department of Labor has recorded a steady decrease of work-related injuries and fatalities since 2012 and as of 2014, 120 work related fatalities have been recorded, 38% lower than 2013 (6). This decline in fatalities can be attributed to several factors, safer equipment, more safety regulations, etc. A new fracturing fluid used in the fracking process has been developed byShow MoreRelatedAfrican Culture : Africa Is A Mystery1378 Words   |  6 PagesMediterranean Sea and Europe with the Indian Ocean to the southeast and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. For most people, Africa is a mystery, a dream, a place often gives people unlimited reveries. where the dense lush tropical rainforest, the world s most vast expanse of the Sahara, there is quaint rough customs, as well as their rich flavor food. To me, before I really search African, I thought that the African countries are poor, are behind the modern. And when I searched the African culture, oneRead MoreLynching, Frederic Douglas and Black Women in Society1376 Words   |  5 PagesCan’t believe it’s already over. I know I didn’t say much but I can honestly say I’m grateful and I really enjoyed this class. 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