Thursday, May 21, 2020

Same Sex Marriage. The Possibility Of Marriage Is Something

Same Sex Marriage The possibility of marriage is something that is offered to us and something that we anticipate as far back as when we were kids. Marriage is a blissful opportunity that all lovers should be able to experience. Everything changes eventually, and this includes marriage. The thought of marriage should not be categorized to only be between a man and a woman, it should be looked at as the union between two lovers regardless the gender. Homosexuals should have the right to wed just like heterosexuals. Denying all individuals equal rights is injustice. Same sex marriage has no effect on anyone’s lives except their own, so homosexuals wanting to wed shouldn’t be the big controversial issue that it is today. Homosexuals not only†¦show more content†¦As time went on, the concept of marriage has evolved a lot through each era and each culture. Marriage began in the Stone Age as a way of organizing and controlling sexual conduct and providing a stable st ructure for child-rearing and the tasks of daily life. In ancient times marriage was used to secure a safe environment in which to breed, handle the granting of property rights, and protect bloodlines. According to the ancient Hebrew law, a man was required to become the husband of a deceased brother s widow. Throughout the cultures around the world then and now marriage contrasted. Some cultures viewed the institution as endogamous (men were required to marry within their own social group, family, clan, or tribe), exogamous (marrying outside the geographical region or social group) or polygamous (allowing men to take more than one bride). For the Anglo-Saxons and Britain s early tribal groups, marriage was all about relationships - just not in the modern sense. â€Å"The Anglo-Saxons saw marriage as a strategic tool to establish diplomatic and trade ties†, says Stephanie Coontz, author of Marriage, A History: How Love Conquered Marriage. During the 11th Century, marriage was about securing an economic or political advantage. The wishes of the married couple and their consent was of little importance. As early as the 12th Century, Roman Catholic theologians and writers referred toShow MoreRelatedGay Marriage Will Harm Children Essay1227 Words   |  5 PagesThe Supreme Court of the United States recently ruled that the Constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage. Yet, same-sex marriage continues to be a highly debated issue. If same-sex couples are allowed to marry they will hurt heterosexuals. If they are denied this right, then they are hurt. 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